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line speed 線速度。

line squall

Whether the need is for a soft , flexible material with good adhesion and high elongation for packing ; a hard , rigid material for durable surface protection ; or a material that cures at higher line speeds for productivity improvement and cost reduction , drewrad resins afford the ideal technology 無論是用于包裝需要的軟的、柔韌性好、附著力好、高伸長率的樹脂;還是需要硬的,表面保護性好的樹脂;或者是能夠快速固化,從而能提高生產效率、降低成本, drewrad樹脂都能提供理想的技術。

Whether the need is for a soft , flexible material with good adhesion and high elongation for packing ; a hard , rigid material for durable surface protection ; or a material that cures at higher line speeds for productivity improvement and cost reduction , drewrad ? resins afford the ideal technology 無論是用于包裝需要的軟的、柔韌性好、附著力好、高伸長率的樹脂;還是需要硬的,表面保護性好的樹脂;或者是能夠快速固化,從而能提高生產效率、降低成本, drewrad ?樹脂都能提供理想的技術。

This thesis focuses on the ingress process module of ctu , which translates c - 5 dcp format to rainier 4gs3 . the specification analysis , architecture and logic design , functional simulation testbench design , synthesis report and testing result are discussed in this thesis . the research work mainly includes : the specification analysis and design requirements of ctu logic ; the architecture and logical design of ingress process module , which includes receive control fsm , send control fsm and cell position adjustment logic ; the performance improvement of ingress process module to receive and transmit data cell at the full line speed 本論文的主要研究工作包括:通信協議轉換邏輯的功能分析和設計需求;通信協議轉換邏輯上行方向的系統分析及體系結構設計,包括上行接收狀態機、發送狀態機、信元內字節位置調整機制等的設計;通信協議轉換邏輯上行方向的線速設計,主要是上行接收的線速設計,要使用流水設計技術;提出了高速實現roundrobin調度策略的實現方法,并設計實現了桶式移位器和優先級編碼電路;應用bfm仿真模型設計了上行處理各模塊的仿真testbench ,完成了各級模塊的模塊仿真和系統集成仿真。

The full automatic mechanical arm is built for letoff and wrap - up systems . the extruding quantities of each unit are controlled by frequency motor , the forming system adopts the synchronous group control . the digital displays are used for letoff , wrapup , extruding , drawing , line speed and meter recording 放卷、收卷設置機械手全自動控制;各組擠出量由變頻器控制電機來完成,成型系統由一臺變頻器群控三臺成型牽引電機,與機械配合達到同步,該設備的放、收卷、擠出、牽引、線速、計米全部由數字化顯示。

New standards are presented continuously , link media type is developing and the line speed is updating continuously . in 1998 , the ieee802 . 3z gigabit ethernet standard was ratified , it use fiber as it ' s link media , line speed was upgraded up to 1 , 250 mbps . it offers the users wide digital highway 到1998年, ieee正式提出了編號為802 . 3z的千兆位以太網標準1000base - x ,采用光纖作為傳輸介質,使用高達1250mbps的基帶傳輸速率,為用戶提供了寬闊的數字高速公路。

As a result , our unique uv - curing technology enables you to increase line speeds , eliminate photoinitiator and diluent monomer odor , reduce total use cost and enhance your productivity and environmental performance and no special storage or handling is required for drewrad resins 所以,我們獨特的紫外光固化技術可以提高生產效率、排除光引發劑和稀釋單體氣味、降低總成本、污染少、不需要特殊儲存操作。

Specific executions of the fly - shear angle calculation , skin - pass mill control , line speed and tension control designed in the typical control design have been deliberately described , which is valuable for the domestic industry applications 在典型控制方案論述中對飛剪角度計算和控制、平整機控制及機組速度、張力控制等給出了具體的實施過程,在國內同行業具有較好的應用價值。

In order to keep the desired line speed and carry out the normal logging without troubles , the rotational speed should be rectified manually which is a heavy work , and also the output consistency is not satisfactory 測井中絞車滾筒半徑不斷變化,電纜的線速度也不斷變化,為保證線速度恒定和順利測井,需要不斷進行人工調整,工作強度大,速度輸出一致性差。

Trulli said that seventh place was the maximum he could have achieved from the tf106b on the day , while schumacher complained of poor straight - line speed and struggled round with the red bulls and toro rossos 特魯利說第七名是他在那一天駕駛tf106b能拿到的最好成績,而小舒馬赫抱怨直道上的速度太糟糕,只能和紅牛以及紅牛之隊競爭。

Take the 1 . 0 1700 slitting line for an example , the speed measurement of each machine in the slitting line , calculation of line speed , and the running speed matching control have been analyzed 摘要以1 . 0 1700縱剪線為例,重點介紹了縱剪線運行中各主機速度的測量,線速度計算和連線時的速度匹配控制。

The line speed stability of the designed digital controller keeps in good agreement with the requirements in local well logging , and the workload is also decreased 所設計的數字控制器的速度穩定性完全滿足測井工作需要,降低了勞動強度。

It is possible to programme how much liquid you want to spray onto the mat and adjust this automatically , for example , to line speed 可以設定程序例如根據生產速度自動調節噴射多少液體在板坯表面。

Nevertheless , the balance of the ra106s wasn ' t as good as expected and neither quite had the straight - line speed 然而, ra106賽車的平衡并沒有預期地那么好,也沒有直道上的速度。

4 . adopt vector frequency converter motor for traction transmission , which can be controlled with invariable line speed 4牽引傳動采用矢量變頻電機,實現恒定線速度控制。

Extrusion line speed 擠出生產線速度

The actual delays depend on line speed and system load 真正的延遲時間依賴于線路的速度和當時的系統負載。

Crane hoist line speed and power test code 起重機提升線速度和功率試驗規程